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Books I've Read

I'm a writer and reading goes with the territory.  I thought I'd add the books I read here.  This is not a review site or even one that showcases books.  It's just a list to keep track of what I'm reading.  Of course, if I read something absolutely fabulous I'll have to say so.

January - The Physics of the Impossible By Michio Kaku (non-fiction)
                In Too Deep by Jayne Ann Krentz
                The Alibi by Sandra Brown

Three books so far in January.  Since I write daily and now have this blog and I'm active in my local writers group, three books is a lot.  Let's hope I can keep up the pace.  I also listen to books on my iPod.  It helps me keep my exercise routine going.  While I walk (up to 4 miles a day now, my goal is 5), I listen to books.  It makes the walk go faster and since I want to read, it motivates me to go out.

I try to walk every day, even in the cold and snow.  I don't walk in the rain or in sub-zero weather.  Other than that, I don my coat, gloves, hat, and iPod and off I go.  I also always carry my camera.  I never know when I'll come across a perfect picture.

Have a great day.

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